Jekyll 'n Hyde inside my mind, who shall I be, I cant decide......
Published on November 16, 2007 By Vampothika In Community



when does a community skin become a community skin when the community is not involved? Where was the post to inivite skinners for harmoney and whitefire2?

there wasnt a post, it was created by maxstyles crew (and maybe a secret select few from the community) 


and yet, suddenly its a community skin?


to me, a community skin is when someone posts they want to make a community skin, and people are allowed to volunteer their services to the skin.  The WHOLE community knows about it....(unless they live under a rock) its not a secret and suddenly released as  community skin.


yet again i ask, why is maxstyles skins being promoted as community skins when its clear that they are not.

This isnt a flame against Maxstyles.....I just am totally confused.........

Comments (Page 12)
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on Nov 17, 2007
I can see and live with the 'openness' of what WC may want to consider a 'community' skin. It's when a Master Skin falls into that group that is being 'sold' and others are making things for it for free. It's like exploitation for promotion' and the Master Skin that is being sold nets the biggest gain. Again, as I said, I suppose that is the choice of those who contribute.

I do have a problem with Master skins being promoted and sold on other sites 'before' they are posted here, weather through a thread on WC or links from additions to the 'skin for sale' that are posted in the WC galleries. I look at being made 'Master' as a huge privilege. I think WC should hold the Master's to similar guidelines as they do when running certain contests. It should appear here first and only here for a set amount of time, after which they can release it on their site or wherever they chose. I don't know, maybe they can make more on it releasing it on their own site first (no percentage taken? I don't know) but I think that besides having to earn the title of Master, having them post here first should be part of keeping that title. It makes sense to me because of how it was all addressed from the start, that WC was 'giving back to the skinners' and that the percentage WC was taking on each sale was going back into running the site.
on Nov 17, 2007
A note to both KittyMalone and John "vStyler" Gordon:

Speaking for the community and myself and I truly think I can say this, we love and cherish you both!

I hope and pray this conversation hasn't changed or affected how you really feel towards your hundreds and thousands of friends, fans and admirers, but more importantly, to each other.

I humbly implore to you to resolve your differences as the two awesome adults and leaders that I know you are, kiss, make up and put it all behind us.

The best of friends misunderstand from time to time, but true friends see through these misunderstandings, there’s always been respect, and true friends are forever.

Your community truly loves you both, look at one another in the eyes and fix it.

That's straight from the heart.


on Nov 17, 2007
Alas I've read it all. Although the last page posts looks like our community's posts rest seems not to be from our community.
The day since I'm a part of this community, I am proud of its helping nature and well behaved members full of gratitude but this thread is a full of its contradiction. Anyway it gave me much knowledge about Maxstyles and community skins.

The main spirit we must have is that we should take everything as '+'ve as possible and shouldn't think that someone is trying to advertise him/her, insult someone or showing off. Many times one may get wrong but its our duty to correct him/her.


I cant do so before two years,

on Nov 17, 2007
hi all, checkout my hand drawn art in my photo galllery at the link on the bottom of the post,, >>>>>

my cousin and my friends said maybe i should show them around!
however i dont think they are that great....

even if you dont like me just checkem out because im trying to contribute!

WWW Link
on Nov 17, 2007

on Nov 17, 2007
If someone had banned him last night he wouldn't be around today trying to hijack threads!
on Nov 17, 2007
If someone had banned him last night he wouldn't be around today trying to hijack threads!

on Nov 17, 2007
If someone had banned him last night he wouldn't be around today trying to hijack threads!

Careful now, tread softly
on Nov 17, 2007
im ok!!!    
on Nov 17, 2007
I've read it all and no matter how you try to convince me that something can be called a "Community" project when you have to purchase the major component just doesn't sound right.

Personally I think it was referred to as a Community Suite by accident and now your trying to convince us that the definition is correct.


Post it somewhere and lets just move along.

PS: I purchase plenty of Master Skins and Stardock Suites knowing I won't even use them so money isnt an issue with me.

One last thought - a 'Community' is made up of many people - not just 'Masters'

Everyone needs to feel that their efforts matter.
on Nov 17, 2007

These are forums to discuss things. If you don't have a stake in the issue, please, don't butt in.

No offense NT but it is a post on "Community Skins". It would seem that most should but in. However I think I will butt out since I see good points mention from both sides. OOPs I think I just butted in.
on Nov 17, 2007
OOPs I think I just butted in.


When all people have to say is "who cares", they really have nothing to add, dontcha think?     

on Nov 17, 2007
Just tryin to understand where things, to those who are not in agreement with the definition given by KarmaGirl the prefered guidlines are:

A community skin must be:
-Completely Free
-Announced prior to release in an open call

-Consist of how many people?

on Nov 17, 2007

I fully agree with Karma's definition.  It's why I've covered such skin sets as I do.

To everyone who has complained about MaxStyles projects not being inclusive enough, not being announced properly etc. why not start your own projects?  Obviously there's a number of folks who want these projects handled differently.  There's nothing stopping anyone here from working together on a skin set like the Halloween suite kicked off by theAVMAN.

Organize it how you like, announce it as you like.  Make it as big or as small as you like.

I see a set of free skins, done by a group of members of the community, it's a community skin project.  Is it as epic and coordinated as something like Heavy Equipment?  No, but that doesn't disqualify it. 

on Nov 17, 2007
When all people have to say is "who cares", they really have nothing to add, dontcha think?

True. You where referring to Nimbin's post. I see that now.
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