Jekyll 'n Hyde inside my mind, who shall I be, I cant decide......
Published on November 16, 2007 By Vampothika In Community



when does a community skin become a community skin when the community is not involved? Where was the post to inivite skinners for harmoney and whitefire2?

there wasnt a post, it was created by maxstyles crew (and maybe a secret select few from the community) 


and yet, suddenly its a community skin?


to me, a community skin is when someone posts they want to make a community skin, and people are allowed to volunteer their services to the skin.  The WHOLE community knows about it....(unless they live under a rock) its not a secret and suddenly released as  community skin.


yet again i ask, why is maxstyles skins being promoted as community skins when its clear that they are not.

This isnt a flame against Maxstyles.....I just am totally confused.........

Comments (Page 11)
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on Nov 17, 2007

but like any good company is interested in the opinions of their customers as a part as they policy development. That is one value of this community.


on Nov 17, 2007

To date...the only "community skins" that I have been aware of were/are HeavyMetal & Avman's Halloween skin.

There's quite a few more...

Crumbut's original Heavy Equipment suite was followed up by a second called 'Formula One'.....then there was one at Deviantart and one for LotsOfSkins.  I did and/or amended [in the case of HE] the Litestep themes for each they're fresh in my memory.

Those 4 in particular were quite large and in no uncertain terms 'community' skins.

More recent ones may be smaller...or even handled more privately but as long as they are a GROUP effort...of community members [plural] then community skins they are....

on Nov 17, 2007
OK , since this thread has gone far longer than it should have.

In Soviet Russia , Issue resolves you!
on Nov 17, 2007
I'm just curious, but, why is there two Web sites,Wincustomize and MaxStyles, that offer the same skins and themes? Wouldn't it be easier to label the skins and themes that were made by MaxStyles crew and keep them here at Wincustomize? One big happy family
on Nov 17, 2007
Crumbut's original Heavy Equipment suite was followed up by a second called 'Formula One'.....then there was one at Deviantart and one for LotsOfSkins. I did and/or amended [in the case of HE] the Litestep themes for each they're fresh in my memory.

Ahhh....then again you've been here longer than me you old fart.

More recent ones may be smaller...or even handled more privately but as long as they are a GROUP effort...of community members [plural] then community skins they are

Then like I said....most skins here could fall under the "community skin" thing. I've done docks for over 280 others have also contributed things to some of those same skins. So the term "community skin" seems pretty loose in its definition.
on Nov 17, 2007

I've done docks for over 280 others have also contributed things to some of those same skins. So the term "community skin" seems pretty loose in its definition. it/them 'group porting' then...

I think you can differentiate maybe between the odd ported skin [we all do them] of an individual skin my Antares Winamp of treetog's Antares WB....that's a port ...and a concerted effort on the part of 'several' skinners to create a GROUP of themed skins - ports [plural] ...that adds up to a SUITE.

Again...if one person does them ALL it's a SUITE ....but if it's a group effort it's a 'community skin'....

on Nov 17, 2007
I’m not really going to get into this, but if you (kittymalone) want a community skin, why don’t you just start one? That way it can fit all your “criteria” (although I do sorta agree with you about some parts).
on Nov 17, 2007
I tend to agree with the term "group porting" more than I do "community skin". But any way you look at it, the facts still remain the same. Does it really matter, in the long run, if it's called a "community" project? That reads easier than, "A collection of skins and widgets designed by a group of individuals who got together to create something really impressive for the users of this website".

Takes up less space, too!  
on Nov 17, 2007
I think I'll just take my meds now and get back to my docks! If anyone starts a community skin and wants docks from know how to reach me!
on Nov 17, 2007
pity..enuff said
on Nov 17, 2007
Ok, first off I'm going to state I have not read ALL of this topic but all of this thread and I get the 'gist' of whats going on. Originally I can see how vStyler was taking it personally, and thats a shame as seeing there is a broader issue in 'labeling' as it were.

I agree that anytime a 'Label' (such as 'Community Project') is placed on something then there should be a clear and concise explanation of what the label means. Much the same as when I walk through the grocery I know what the difference in 'All Natural' and 'Organic' means and what they have to do to put those on their 'product'.

If the following is the definition to a 'Community Skin/Project' then that pretty much means nearly all of my skins would be community ones, as well as just about every other skin on WC as nearly all have had something created by another skinner then the original.
Community Skin n. A group of skins [or suite] created by no less than TWO individual skinners intended to be a 'set' in appearance and style, sharing origins/images.

WebGizmos comment (#148) makes reference to this and a good compromise on the subject. Something like this should be done to resolve any further issues on what actually IS a community skin/project. Even Websters updates their definitions when the need arises. Maybe its time for WC to do the same....
on Nov 17, 2007
I meant that in a nice way Basj! I enjoy making docks...I do it for myself as much as for everyone else. And I don't plan on not doing them as long as I have and internet connection and you guys keep putting out great skins.
on Nov 17, 2007

I haven't commented on this so far. I have only one thing to say...


SILENCE! I kill you...



Time to wind this up with a bit of humour... 

on Nov 17, 2007
Time to wind this up with a bit of humour...

And a Vulcan nerve pinch
on Nov 17, 2007

SILENCE! I kill you...

whatever, Achmed the dead Terrorist!!! lol

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