Jekyll 'n Hyde inside my mind, who shall I be, I cant decide......
Published on July 19, 2010 By Vampothika In Community

I cant give the name of the site obviosly, but im sick to death of trying to get rid of this site and trying to deal with

the people who own the sites where the download links are found to disable downloading master skins.

yes, just about every master skin is on this site, why cant we shut this place down?

and why are people on that site asking ME to leave and not vice versa.  I registered on that site just so I could

make a stand and say something about my fire starter skin being on that site, and other master skins as well.

 But all ive recieved back is comments like

: well its free so why should we buy it?

:maybe you should leave the site, your getting too upset over this

: oh im poor so i cant afford to buy it.

: my skin isnt good enough to be sold as a master skin, thats why its being porned off free on that sight

: and last, shutting down that site wont give me any sales at wincustomize.

Nothing but arrogance, nice hey? Acording to them, its just tuff toblerones and we just have to put up with it,

the site they say is open to everyone, and maybe I should download stuff too? no thanks. im not that kind

of person.



Can we PLEASE have something done about this site?



Comments (Page 7)
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on Jul 21, 2010

An encrypted skin can still be modified in SkinStudio, you just can't modify the graphics.

Just because one has to pay for the skin should not deter the ability to change an image in it for ones own personal use.

on Jul 21, 2010

Sorry Bubbabyte, there's a lot of truth to what your saying, and I agree with most of it. My previous statement was rude, unnecessary, and inconsiderate. With that said, I wouldn't say this site is "one of many which will come and go." When I read that, I threw a fit like a little girl and cried and ran into my room and locked the door.

In all seriousness though, the mods and community at this site support one another, and in that way I believe wincustomize is unique. Maybe we can't completely resolve this problem, but we can certainly attempt to reduce it's damages/effects.

on Jul 21, 2010

As someone whose skins do NOT sell well I can say that any lost sales do hurt.But Bubbabyte makes a good point,most of those people would NEVER buy a skin so I havnt lost much there.

I know why  my skins dont sell well...they are odd and only appeal to a select group of people.(people with superior taste)


The risk of alienating the good people to stop the fun of the bad people in my opinion has rarely paid off for any copy protection scheme.

I dont know how the image encryption scheme works but I am extremely leary of image degradation for the end user.I had a similar problem with SKS degrading images with its frame builder.

I dont want this to sound like I'm Neil-bashing because Neil has been listening to all my emails and has been slowly squashing any bugs that come up.I just think making WB even more complicated might not be the best idea.I dont want real customers afraid to buy a masterskin.That would hurt sales more than pirating I think.

If the end user isnt going to suffer and it will protect sales then do it...I need the money...really...badly.


As far as skinmodifying goes...we all rely to some degree being able to tell a user with a problem how to open SKS and fix it.No skin is EVER perfect for all users.

Any supplementary skin makers we should always provide whatever they need...psd's,free WB,etc..

Handing someone a 5$ blind is cheap compared to the completeness they add to a skin.They always thank me for the free blind when its me that should be thanking them...and if I have ever Not thanked one of them...they should cuss me.

on Jul 21, 2010

I need the end user to be able to

substitute an image if he needs to

substitute a text file if needed


Its about customization...the end user should have the right to make it work how they want...if the protection scheme dosnt bugger that up then maybe it can work.

on Jul 21, 2010

Sorry Bubbabyte, there's a lot of truth to what your saying, and I agree with most of it. My previous statement was rude, unnecessary, and inconsiderate. With that said, I wouldn't say this site is "one of many which will come and go." When I read that, I threw a fit like a little girl and cried and ran into my room and locked the door.

In all seriousness though, the mods and community at this site support one another, and in that way I believe wincustomize is unique. Maybe we can't completely resolve this problem, but we can certainly attempt to reduce it's damages/effects.

You read it wrong, when i said the site is one of many which will come and go i was referring to the pirating site in question, not this site.  If you manage to shut down that ONE pirating site, another will pop up within days if not sooner, that's the way of the internet, just research any bittorrent site that was taken down.  I never questioned the reputation of this site.

on Jul 21, 2010

As someone whose skins do NOT sell well I can say that any lost sales do hurt.But Bubbabyte makes a good point,most of those people would NEVER buy a skin so I havnt lost much there.

I know why  my skins dont sell well...they are odd and only appeal to a select group of people.(people with superior taste)

I understand what you're saying  Brainiac, and i hope you didn't take offense to what i was saying.  I'm in no way saying people that don't sell skins aren't talented.  I just simply meant that if you are making skins for a "specific" audience such as yourself, and they don't sell as much as you thought, it's not the fault of piracy, so in turn you have a choice to either continue to please your audience and the people that have supported you or to go "mainstream" and try to please a wider audience.  I was never implying that you, vampothika or anyone else didn't have talent, so i hope you understand that.

And i completely agree with your comments about skin modifying, the end user needs to have that option because no skin is perfect for every user, so blocking the ability to modify existing skins would be a huge problem for paying customers imo.

on Jul 21, 2010

I knew exactly what you meant Bubba...part of the problem also is...skins just dont sell terrifically well under the best of circumstances.

Its a luxury...with a limited audience.

So protection is a two edged sword.Its important because EVERY sale is important...and its dangerous because your customer base isnt large enough afford irritating your good folks.


My solution in the meantime is to make my next skin so cool that people drool.

on Jul 21, 2010

YES they are stealing your work, YES you worked hard to earn that money, but that's the way the internet goes, the quicker you realize this and accept it the easier it will be.

I think the animosity a skinner feels over having their work pirated isn't just about the money -- it's about control, ownership, justice, entitlement, strength.  I'm pretty sure when Vampothika found her works pirated, she felt violated, so it's more than the's the emotions!  You can't just expect people to cease feeling, to just accept theft of something they feel this passionate about as inevitable and roll with that.  You can't expect ALL skinners to feel the same way about their creation or the work of creating them.  SOME skinners are going to accept piracy as an inevitable part of doing business on the net, but others are going to get fierce about their art, and you can't expect them to just shut up about, and go down without a fight, if it's in their makeup to retaliate.

Just because a fight is futile, doesn't mean it isn't worth fighting.

on Jul 21, 2010

YES they are stealing your work, YES you worked hard to earn that money, but that's the way the internet goes, the quicker you realize this and accept it the easier it will be.

I think the animosity a skinner feels over having their work pirated isn't just about the money -- it's about control, ownership, justice, entitlement, strength.  I'm pretty sure when Vampothika found her works pirated, she felt violated, so it's more than the's the emotions!  You can't just expect people to cease feeling, to just accept theft of something they feel this passionate about as inevitable and roll with that.  You can't expect ALL skinners to feel the same way about their creation or the work of creating them.  SOME skinners are going to accept piracy as an inevitable part of doing business on the net, but others are going to get fierce about their art, and you can't expect them to just shut up about, and go down without a fight, if it's in their makeup to retaliate.

Just because a fight is futile, doesn't mean it isn't worth fighting.

I'm not saying she shouldn't be upset or emotional about it.  If she or any other skinner feels the need to try and do something about it, by all means go for it.  But it reality, it's not going to make a difference.  I'm not saying don't do it, i'm saying if you do it, the end result will be the same, it's inevitable and can't really be stopped.  So i don't really understand the point of getting all bent out of shape about something that you really can't change.  You can try and try again, but the fight is futile no matter how you look at it.

on Jul 21, 2010

You read it wrong, when i said the site is one of many which will come and go i was referring to the pirating site in question, not this site.

Ah, makes sense. Thanks for specifying.

on Jul 21, 2010

Just because a fight is futile, doesn't mean it isn't worth fighting.


Here, here!  Well said Karen!

on Jul 21, 2010

In this case it isnt so much whether or not the fight is worth fighting,its can you go the distance and NOT get a bloody nose.



And an added thought...if you have ever bought a skin..Thank you!If you havnt ever bought one...I have only made 34$ this month in skin sales...just sayin' you know...hint hint.

on Jul 21, 2010

I have only made 34$ this month in skin sales...

You got me beat I.R.!  I have made even less than that at my site, a whole $9.90.

on Jul 21, 2010


on Jul 21, 2010

until it happens to them some people will never understand the need to fight back.

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