Jekyll 'n Hyde inside my mind, who shall I be, I cant decide......
Published on July 19, 2010 By Vampothika In Community

I cant give the name of the site obviosly, but im sick to death of trying to get rid of this site and trying to deal with

the people who own the sites where the download links are found to disable downloading master skins.

yes, just about every master skin is on this site, why cant we shut this place down?

and why are people on that site asking ME to leave and not vice versa.  I registered on that site just so I could

make a stand and say something about my fire starter skin being on that site, and other master skins as well.

 But all ive recieved back is comments like

: well its free so why should we buy it?

:maybe you should leave the site, your getting too upset over this

: oh im poor so i cant afford to buy it.

: my skin isnt good enough to be sold as a master skin, thats why its being porned off free on that sight

: and last, shutting down that site wont give me any sales at wincustomize.

Nothing but arrogance, nice hey? Acording to them, its just tuff toblerones and we just have to put up with it,

the site they say is open to everyone, and maybe I should download stuff too? no thanks. im not that kind

of person.



Can we PLEASE have something done about this site?



Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 19, 2010

and this attitude wasnt just directed at me, these people feel this way about every master skin, they feel that they deserve

to download it for free and we are just the chumps who either create it or put up with it.

I think its wrong. If masters want the name of this site, i will be more than happy to pm the name to you, after all your skins are

on this site being flogged off for nothing.


and if anyone knows how to disable the links to download these skins, let me know, because I have had no

success what so ever contacting them.

on Jul 19, 2010

Kitty, is my stuff there, or is it just master skins?

Just asking. I'd like to know if someone is ripping my work.

on Jul 19, 2010

sorry mate its only master skins and also wincustomize subscriber skins.

on Jul 19, 2010


on Jul 19, 2010

The artists who create these master skins deserve something back for their hard work and dedication. It makes me sick that people always try to cheat and dodge paying for things............especially when master skins are usually only a couple bucks. I mean c'mon, a few bucks isn't going to hurt you. Show some respect for these artists.

I'm sorry Kitty, and I hope that site goes down.

on Jul 19, 2010

well i would like some support from wincustomize mods on this issue, we are talking about major master skinners here:




i r braniac



mike bryant


and possibly more!

 please help us remove this site!!!!!

on Jul 20, 2010

Vampothika if you haven't yet you need to email or PM Island Dog or Jafo and give them as much information as possible about the site. 

I'm sure you know it will be up to the individual skinners to contact the site to get thier skins removed if they have not uploaded or given permission for them to be uploaded.  Not sure if the skinners will see this thread so you might consider emailing or PM'ing them with the information.

Good catch by the way.


EDIT: I PM'd Jafo in IRC so hopefully he gets a hold of you.


on Jul 20, 2010

ive already done this

on Jul 20, 2010

ive already done this


on Jul 20, 2010

I forgot to mention 20f3, your skin is there as well "stratos"

Mr Pauls's infinity skin is there too.


all of the master skins and subscriber skins is 15 pages long, now that is ALOT of skins.

and yes they are giving me a very hard time over there, still insisting that it is somehow their god given right to download our skins

for free.


Lets do something about this.


on Jul 20, 2010

Vampothika if you haven't yet you need to email or PM Island Dog or Jafo and give them as much information as possible about the site. 

I'm sure you know it will be up to the individual skinners to contact the site to get thier skins removed if they have not uploaded or given permission for them to be uploaded.  Not sure if the skinners will see this thread so you might consider emailing or PM'ing them with the information.

Good catch by the way.


EDIT: I PM'd Jafo in IRC so hopefully he gets a hold of you.



I have tried to contact them myself to remove my skin, ive had no reply , im very upset about this....

thats why I want the mods to step in and help us...  and its not one of those unreachable or untouchable sites in china either, im pretty sure its an american site. all english, no chinese, no russian ect if you get my drift.

on Jul 20, 2010

I have been doing some research on line into some of these pirate sites and I have found out that with my colours, stardock uses some kind of registration code and the pirates cannot use the theme with theme manager 2.0

But with the free theme manager I think they can, but still have issues opening the skin or something, they were all trying to crack the wba. file LOL

My question is, if my colours can come with a registration code, why cant our master skins have one?


kitty xx

on Jul 20, 2010


Not all the issues we encounter are offsite.  I get pre-occupied with Local issues, but I hadn't ignored your PM...infact your link gave me a I sidelind it thinking the site was down or your skin was gone.

PM me with 'working' links and I'll see if I can get some movement. the meantime it's primarily the role of the IP holder to pursue his/her property as they are the legal owners and thus can 'request' removal with the authority of ownership.

Third parties are always at a loss when they first need to determine [from the IP owner] that the problem site was never given permission to distribute....and that there was/is an actual copyright issue.

In the meantime... 

'Formal' DMCA Removal/request form.

on Jul 20, 2010


The problem is this site plain just does not care at all.  They are located in a country when there is no such thing as intellectual property rights.  I have dealt with them in the past and they will not even answer emails.  They don't even know what DCMA is, and could care less.

I did find out however that at least one of their domains is registered with a U.S. based registrar and have emailed them asking if there is anything they can do, but I doubt it.

Oh, and the only way you can contact them is to send an email from their site, but you have to be a registered member in order to do it. Who the heck wants to give their personal info to an illegal file sharing site!

on Jul 20, 2010

We have tried to deal with that site before, and there really isn't anything that can be done with them.

Easiest way is to send a DMCA to the actual hosting links they are posting.


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