Jekyll 'n Hyde inside my mind, who shall I be, I cant decide......
Published on July 19, 2010 By Vampothika In Community

I cant give the name of the site obviosly, but im sick to death of trying to get rid of this site and trying to deal with

the people who own the sites where the download links are found to disable downloading master skins.

yes, just about every master skin is on this site, why cant we shut this place down?

and why are people on that site asking ME to leave and not vice versa.  I registered on that site just so I could

make a stand and say something about my fire starter skin being on that site, and other master skins as well.

 But all ive recieved back is comments like

: well its free so why should we buy it?

:maybe you should leave the site, your getting too upset over this

: oh im poor so i cant afford to buy it.

: my skin isnt good enough to be sold as a master skin, thats why its being porned off free on that sight

: and last, shutting down that site wont give me any sales at wincustomize.

Nothing but arrogance, nice hey? Acording to them, its just tuff toblerones and we just have to put up with it,

the site they say is open to everyone, and maybe I should download stuff too? no thanks. im not that kind

of person.



Can we PLEASE have something done about this site?



Comments (Page 11)
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on Jul 22, 2010

All master skinners are true master skinners.

on Jul 22, 2010

Meanwhile...many, maybe most Users/Customers are not affected in the slightest.

This. I still think that very few master skin customers actually take the time/trouble and have the know-how to modify them. Making it slightly more difficult to do so I don't see affecting a large number of people in a huge way, certainly not enough to offset the benefits.

on Jul 22, 2010

Wasn't talking about myself, per se........but the term True Masterskinners? WTH?

Some Master Skinners / Skins are better than others.  It would be nice to say that ALL Master Skinners are on the same level, but that is a false statement.  There is NO denying that.

on Jul 22, 2010

Some Master Skinners / Skins are better than others.

That's just a matter of opinion. They have all earned the title of "master" and in that way, they are equal. Any word, like "true" placed in front of the term "master skinner" is arbitrary.  They are all master skinners.

on Jul 22, 2010

Look at Mannis Member No and You know where that comes from. We still live in a world of Alexandrie, Treetog and Mike B. and even no more active skinners like Thredz, Hippy and Dangeruss. So bare with him.

We have had that discussion with Audio CDs and Games and at least with audio copy protection disappeared quite fast as it was a pain even for legal consumers. Stardock itself is quite proud of having no copy protection in its games. So now there should be copy protected WBs just to be cracked on a constant base ?

And : If Stardock even hasn't enough manpower to get their normal business done, how should they get a whole new copy-protection going ?

It is  good to hunt for pirate sites to get them down, but I am very sceptical about software-protection in skins.


on Jul 22, 2010


I think the opposit. There isnt one skin i dont modify for my taste or needs and i think a lot of people do the same.


With the level "true" i meant no disrespect to the other masterskinners, but the few i mentioned, you can add danillooc to my list, are producing skins on a much higher level than the other masterskinners and so i think they will make much more money with skinning then others and i never heard an opinion from them to this topic. They certainly will make less money when the skins get encrypted. Why havent we seen any new mycolors themes in month? Maybe because the customers dont buy enough of them, because they cant work with the encrypted graphics, i dont know.


I dont like the way vampothika is looking for.

on Jul 22, 2010


Some Master Skinners / Skins are better than others.

That's just a matter of opinion. They have all earned the title of "master" and in that way, they are equal. Any word, like "true" placed in front of the term "master skinner" is arbitrary.  They are all master skinners.

No.  It's fact.  Yes, they have all earned the title of Master.  But you can't say that all Masters are equal.  That's fanboy talk right there.

on Jul 22, 2010

But you can't say that all Masters are equal. That's fanboy talk right there.

I can.

We don't promote people to 'Master' because it was a quiet day and had nothing else to do.

Each 'gets there' when his/her time is right.

If there's a 'difference' at all it's going to be 'age'. An 'old' Master will likely have a more extensive 'portfolio' than a young one.

Might have gathered a greater following over time, too.




Other than that...they're equal...

on Jul 22, 2010

I really would like to hear the opinion of the true masterskinners like vstyler, essorant, treetog or Mike Byrant about this topic. I think the avalanche vamphotika caused, i think about the frustration of her not well selling skins, is not good for the endusers and will surely not increase the sales for masterskins.----I dont like the way vampothika is looking for.


When I'm finished what I'm saying here I done talking on this thread so reply all you want but I won't respond as it's been hijacked enough and your not worth continuing with.  You have been here since 2001 and am entitled to have your favorite skinners. If you choose not to expand your capabilities into future years and new skinners so be it. A statement and a question was made by Kitty to start this thread after things were tossed about there was a reply on I believe page 6 that she replied back with a thank you and it appears she is sitting back and going to wait to see what happens. I have no idea how you could call her starting an avalanche and what you mean about "I don't like the way vampothika is looking for" have no idea what that pertains to. There is also no way for you to know if any Masters are actually selling skins, but you appear to know Kitty is frustrated because she isn't selling skins. I have never said a mean think in the forums about anyone, so congrads to you as you are a total ass and have no respect for any skinners except for your few. So I'll finish by saying there are many different skinners and types of skinners and they are all of great value to this community and have taught me a lot. Where would this place be if only the skinners around were from 2001. So show some respect for all "manni" or the the hell up.


on Jul 22, 2010


I really would like to hear the opinion of the true masterskinners like vstyler, essorant, treetog or Mike Byrant about this topic. I think the avalanche vamphotika caused, i think about the frustration of her not well selling skins, is not good for the endusers and will surely not increase the sales for masterskins.----I dont like the way vampothika is looking for.

When I'm finished what I'm saying here I done talking on this thread so reply all you want but I won't respond as it's been hijacked enough and your not worth continuing with.  You have been here since 2001 and am entitled to have your favorite skinners. If you choose not to expand your capabilities into future years and new skinners so be it. A statement and a question was made by Kitty to start this thread after things were tossed about there was a reply on I believe page 6 that she replied back with a thank you and it appears she is sitting back and going to wait to see what happens. I have no idea how you could call her starting an avalanche and what you mean about "I don't like the way vampothika is looking for" have no idea what that pertains to. There is also no way for you to know if any Masters are actually selling skins, but you appear to know Kitty is frustrated because she isn't selling skins. I have never said a mean think in the forums about anyone, so congrads to you as you are a total ass and have no respect for any skinners except for your few. So I'll finish by saying there are many different skinners and types of skinners and they are all of great value to this community and have taught me a lot. Where would this place be if only the skinners around were from 2001. So show some respect for all "manni" or the the hell up.

Thanks for the respect you are showing to other opinions.

on Jul 22, 2010

I think the whole point has been missed in all this discussion.  The original point was to stop pirate sites from distributing files illegally.  I do not believe encrypting files to disallow editing of the graphics would do any good at all, they could still be distributed illegally and the scum that downloads them from those sites could still use it, just not edit it.

We need something that only allows the file to be used by the original purchaser. 

on Jul 22, 2010

But you can't say that all Masters are equal. That's fanboy talk right there.
I can.

We don't promote people to 'Master' because it was a quiet day and had nothing else to do.

Each 'gets there' when his/her time is right.

If there's a 'difference' at all it's going to be 'age'. An 'old' Master will likely have a more extensive 'portfolio' than a young one.

Might have gathered a greater following over time, too.




Other than that...they're equal...
If i remember right, some were made masters because the participated at the last guiolympics.

on Jul 22, 2010

But you can't say that all Masters are equal.  That's fanboy talk right there.

Fanboy talk? More like logic. They are all master skinners. They are all equal. Everyone has their favorite skins/skinners, but that only depends on opinion, therefore it's arbitrary. There is nothing to debate here other than who you think is best, and personally, I don't care.


on Jul 22, 2010

They are all master skinners. They are all equal.

Ok.  They are all equal.  Because they are Master Skinners. 

on Jul 22, 2010

I think the whole point has been missed in all this discussion.

Only if you missed my 'suggestion', lad...

Read it's more than 'just' preventing a skin from being's specifically about the skin being tracable if pirated.

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