Jekyll 'n Hyde inside my mind, who shall I be, I cant decide......
Published on February 8, 2010 By Vampothika In WinCustomize 2011 Feedback

i still think the rating system should be scrapped (as it was said it was going to be) because its just being abused currently by people who get their sick thrills out of downgrading skin ratings.........

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on Feb 09, 2010

I wondered if that could be done, because I had a screen get a pretty good rating from the mods when it was posted in the gallery and two days later I noticed it was half a star less. I thought I'd gone nuts and imagined that extra half!

on Feb 10, 2010

Try going from five stars to one in less than an hour. You haven't lived til you experience that thrill. Count your downloads   and let the petty have their fun!

on Feb 10, 2010

Try going from five stars to one in less than an hour. You haven't lived til you experience that thrill. Count your downloads and let the petty have their fun!

I agree, but still this shouldnt be happening though.

on Feb 10, 2010

My understanding is that the rating system is going to go away with the new site. The sooner the better. I think to much focus is put on it (myself included) and we all need to get back to the real reaon we do this...for the fun and love of it.

on Feb 10, 2010

 Yes Po, I do agree but it really is hard to feel much love when you are maligned without even being told why. I just look at the downloads and let them eat cake!

on Feb 10, 2010

I think to much focus is put on it (myself included) and we all need to get back to the real reaon we do this...for the fun and love of it.

I know why I skin, but sometimes I wonder why I upload.  Just 3 days ago, I was having a skinning existential crisis (am I uploading to "give back" to the community, or am I uploading, fishing for positive strokes, or worse yet, jumping through hoops to be an attention whore).  If the reason I'm uploading is to give back, then having a skin's rating see-saw all over the place seems either insulting or an act of stupidity/masochism. 

on Feb 10, 2010

having a skin's rating see-saw all over the place seems either insulting

While I agree and I have been there and probably will be there again it's not worth the energy to get worked up about it. I'm looking at 4 proven, recognized, and accomplished skinners whose work speaks for itself.And it just keeps getting better.

Though it stings at the time I firmly believe that what goes around comes around and negativity has a way of coming around threefold.

am I uploading to "give back" to the community, or am I uploading, fishing for positive strokes, or worse yet, jumping through hoops to be an attention whore

Aren't we all reduced to being three years old and hoping this one is good enough to make the refrigerator door? We struggled with getting approval from the moderators when we start. And when we are rejected we try harder. Because you want it in the gallery. You want it to be seen by everyone. And then you wait and watch to see how many more people accept what you've put out there. Then, when you get that acceptance and good feedback you rush to create more. Because it feels good and because you love to create.

Don't let one or two ruin it for you. You're forgetting the 'thousands'----tens of thousands----hundreds of thousands---who have already embraced what you put out there from your heart.


on Feb 10, 2010

Just 3 days ago, I was having a skinning existential crisis (am I uploading to "give back" to the community, or am I uploading, fishing for positive strokes, or worse yet, jumping through hoops to be an attention whore).

Sort of a 'rite of passage' when it comes to skinning....or it's 'Skinning 101'....

People have skun [old word - still wrong] like that since Day One.

Nothing will change....not really...

on Feb 10, 2010

Have Fun!!............................................................ That's all I have to say...... as usual.

on Feb 10, 2010

I say keep it up...I sell Prilosec and Ativan for a living. The rating system is great for biz. 

Sydney Freedman, M.D. said it best, "You know, I told you people something a long time ago, and it's just as pertinent today as it was then. Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice - pull down your pants and slide on the ice."

Yay BoXXi!

on Feb 10, 2010

I just look at the downloads and let them eat cake!

gotta agree with this, go by the count if you want a good idea how the blind is being accepted. I had a dust up with the "in crowd" and had a blind drop two stars over night, surprise. If I hit 5K downloads I'm happy but I would guess that most of yours are in the tens of thousands downloaded, looks good from here.

"let them eat cake?" only if made from pig entrails and cow dung.

on Feb 10, 2010

Have Fun!!............................................................ That's all I have to say...... as usual.

The above says it all. Everyone on this post and many more of you community members you all know what you do for us.  
The rating as it is now means nothing. If there has to be any system at all than all the work should be listed only by the mods at the time of being accepted and not be permitted to change.

If you have been following some of the forum post lately many are from a certain group and I will leave it at that. They appear to be looking for things that wouldn't appeal to most of them so when they download a very good skin they rate it low because it not something they want. All you have to do is delete it and it's that easy to get rid of.  So for the people that worry about the stars going down don't. You work is getting download and use by many and I (we) don't want to lose any of you. I think I speak for most and want to let you know you are very appreciated.

on Feb 10, 2010

People have skun

LOL.. I feel dirty just having read that!!

I skun, therefore I am.

on Feb 10, 2010

Ratings? We don't need no steenkin' ratings...


on Feb 10, 2010

Have Fun!!............................................................ That's all I have to say......

That's not as easy or simple as you make it sound, Boxxi.  (Or maybe I just need some of that Ativan that Doc is selling).  I can have fun skinning -- that's not the issue.  The issue is what happens to my fun when some b@st@rd takes a leak on my sandcastle.  That's not so fun anymore.

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