Jekyll 'n Hyde inside my mind, who shall I be, I cant decide......
Published on November 16, 2007 By Vampothika In Community



when does a community skin become a community skin when the community is not involved? Where was the post to inivite skinners for harmoney and whitefire2?

there wasnt a post, it was created by maxstyles crew (and maybe a secret select few from the community) 


and yet, suddenly its a community skin?


to me, a community skin is when someone posts they want to make a community skin, and people are allowed to volunteer their services to the skin.  The WHOLE community knows about it....(unless they live under a rock) its not a secret and suddenly released as  community skin.


yet again i ask, why is maxstyles skins being promoted as community skins when its clear that they are not.

This isnt a flame against Maxstyles.....I just am totally confused.........

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on Nov 16, 2007

i know, but i was wrong so its cool NT

on Nov 16, 2007
maybe we could be less confusing

Harmony WB is not free and is not a community skin
Harmony Suite was made by some people from this community and some that are also members of maxstyles
all others elements in this suite are free

Thanks Quentin for clearing it up. I thought The whole thing had to be bought.  
on Nov 16, 2007
It took me a long time to post that. oops
on Nov 16, 2007
jafo, she's not going to stop till you tell her what she wants to hear.. no one will be spared.. get it over with and save us all any more exposure to this hair splitting.

and congratulations kitty , you lost a friend(s) and gained the meaning of community, how proud you must be.
on Nov 16, 2007


on Nov 16, 2007
Well you certainly seemed to have opened a can of worms, kitty ... good for you!   

I participated in the latest Halloween community skin put together by AVman (kudos to you!) and, as kitty points out, it was announced in the forums and solicited any and all to volunteer.

A few years back I participated in another skin suite put together by select members of Skinartistry. It wasn't announced in the WC forums or the SA forums for that matter as I recall. The 'recruiting', if it can even be called that, consisted of a few skinners communicating by MSN or email deciding to get together and create a suite.

Both were 'community' skins in the sense of being created by members of the skinning community and being free to all.

I don't agree that 'for a fee' skins should qualify as what most people think of as a community skin, but free certainly should qualify regardless of their genesis.
on Nov 16, 2007

Well then how can it be called a 'community' skin if you choose who to add and leave out?

A community suite is one made by various community members.  It is not one that "everyone" was invited to participate in.  If several community members band together to make a suite, no matter how they get together, it is a community suite.

on Nov 16, 2007
No, why do u care how (conveniently) 2 Maxstyles skins are labelled? What difference does it make? It doesnt affect you in ANY way.
on Nov 16, 2007

John if I want to ask a question about community skins, what is wrong with that?

on Nov 16, 2007
A community suite is one made by various community members. It is not one that "everyone" was invited to participate in. If several community members band together to make a suite, no matter how they get together, it is a community suite.

From THE Big Cheese. You have your answer in laymens terms from someone with authority to give it to you. Resolved.

and lastly.. you asked.. while dragging Maxstyles through as much mud as you could while making out like were secretly banding together to screw everyone over.

Not so.
on Nov 16, 2007
Good press / bad press = same press.

Are you guys sure this isn't some elaborate scheme to promote Maxstyles?
(insert paranoid smily here)   
on Nov 16, 2007


Rather than 'just' me explaining things in layman's terms....Karma has done so....#52

My 'role' here on is called 'Community Manager'  [sounds spiffy....hours are horrid].. so maybe I'm the one to 'define' "community skin".

Community Skin n. A group of skins [or suite] created by no less than TWO individual skinners intended to be a 'set' in appearance and style, sharing origins/images.

Note....there is no reference to 'free' or 'fee' or public pre-notification/tendering.

Dynamics/logistics/practicality will typically DEMAND that were a proposed Community Skin to be as diverse/huge as the original ones years ago there really would NEED to be a public advertising for skinners to enlist their services....but with 'smaller' suites that's not always going to be needed.

Jafo hopes this helps ....

on Nov 16, 2007
Are you guys sure this isn't some elaborate scheme to promote Maxstyles?
(insert paranoid smily here)    [/quote]
Bwhahahaha    Don't forget.. its invite only.  
on Nov 16, 2007

Thankyou Karma girl

on Nov 16, 2007
Something V said caused me to look at it a little different. I'm not going to even try to explain but I do understand now why V feels it is a communty project. Credit was shared by the community.

I'm interested NT, How was credit shared?   

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