Jekyll 'n Hyde inside my mind, who shall I be, I cant decide......
Published on November 16, 2007 By Vampothika In Community



when does a community skin become a community skin when the community is not involved? Where was the post to inivite skinners for harmoney and whitefire2?

there wasnt a post, it was created by maxstyles crew (and maybe a secret select few from the community) 


and yet, suddenly its a community skin?


to me, a community skin is when someone posts they want to make a community skin, and people are allowed to volunteer their services to the skin.  The WHOLE community knows about it....(unless they live under a rock) its not a secret and suddenly released as  community skin.


yet again i ask, why is maxstyles skins being promoted as community skins when its clear that they are not.

This isnt a flame against Maxstyles.....I just am totally confused.........

Comments (Page 3)
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on Nov 16, 2007
The Harmony suite was put together by the community, it was made by members of Maxstyles AND the WC "community" it was made FOR the community...

I'm a little confused here. If it's a community skin for the community then why does the community have to pay for it?
on Nov 16, 2007
lol quentin a free for all means anyone can participate........not meaning that its goose.  
on Nov 16, 2007
did YOU see any posts about volunteering to skin it?

Is that a pre-requisite? and if so.. under who's law? When you own the can call the shots and reserve the rights.
on Nov 16, 2007
Bug, thats why i put up this like to get it resolved.........
I am trying to discuss it........ive been very polite and diplomatic.....cant you tell?
on Nov 16, 2007
lol quentin a free for all means anyone can participate........not meaning that its goose.

again John said earlier :

Bug.. had you asked for psd's to make your theme you would have gotten them JUST like everyone else who asked for not only permission but psds also.. was granted, I turned down NO requests. Anyone was free to make a skin for harmony and still is. I turned down NO one..

on Nov 16, 2007
Demands are getting this nowhere kitty.
on Nov 16, 2007

what difference does it make if Harmony wasn't a free blind? that has no bearing on whether or not it was a community effort. vstyler didn't have to allow anyone to make matching skins for secondary apps but he did. if he hadn't, you folks would be in here saying he was being a bully and wouldn't let anyone use his psd files. get over it! the skin wasn't free. others are.

if NT (sorry Craig. i'm using you as an example in name only ) wants to post a premium blind and others make secondary app skins, more power to him. i'm all for skinners making money if they can.

on Nov 16, 2007
did YOU see any posts about volunteering to skin it?

Is that a pre-requisite? and if so.. under who's law? When you own the can call the shots and reserve the rights.

Well then how can it be called a 'community' skin if you choose who to add and leave out?

on Nov 16, 2007
I'm a little confused here. If it's a community skin for the community then why does the community have to pay for it?

maybe we could be less confusing

Harmony WB is not free and is not a community skin
Harmony Suite was made by some people from this community and some that are also members of maxstyles
all others elements in this suite are free

on Nov 16, 2007
Well then how can it be called a 'community' skin if you choose who to add and leave out?

Name one person left out please.  

just one.
on Nov 16, 2007

okay.......i appologize for my mistake.

on Nov 16, 2007

The 'original' definition of 'community skin'...again that which was first...those by Crumbut ... they were big....very big...and thus actually necessitated there be several skinners involved.

The concept of 'community skin' was all about it being a group effort from members of the community.

The important distinction was/is 'group effort' as distinct from 'one skinner doing all facets of a suite'.

Is there some 'law' inplace that a formal tendering process is required for a suite to be deemed 'community'...or for that matter must a 'community' skin be free?

I don't think so....though in the latter one hopes a commercial community effort's 'profits' are shared equitably amongst all participants....but that too is something to determine between parties involved....those not included in the process need not debate the's irrelevant.

As I mentioned already....any community effort will become a 'closed group' once all positions are if one is the second WA skinner to volunteer they will miss out...unless there is perhaps an option for creating multi vers of a proggy's skin...though that will dilute the cohesion of the 'suite'...

on Nov 16, 2007

I am now withdrawing on this subject as no mods seem to be addressing the situation at hand.

Jafo must be invisible....

on Nov 16, 2007
yet they are both represented as such.

So what?... what does it matter to you?

waiting for the ONE person I left out.
on Nov 16, 2007
Obviously this is a topic that really means nothing in the big picture but there is never any harm in discussing things and trying to get crystal clear on matters.

These are forums to discuss things. If you don't have a stake in the issue, please, don't butt in.

It matters to Kitty. That's good enough reason to discuss the matter.

Something V said caused me to look at it a little different. I'm not going to even try to explain but I do understand now why V feels it is a communty project. Credit was shared by the community.
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