Jekyll 'n Hyde inside my mind, who shall I be, I cant decide......
Published on November 5, 2009 By Vampothika In Community

I would like to post my distaste to recent comments on my master skin Saboteur.  Calling my work "not master skin quality" is below the belt. Especially when it is a drive by comment and the skin has not even been downloaded. 

I think if you are going to comment on any skin, it should be at least downloaded and tested before inacurate comments and assumptions are made.

 I personally believe that if you have nothing constructive to say about a skin, then please say nothing at all.

I spend many weeks and hours on every skin I do.  I pour passion, talent, and knowledge into them. They are tested in every possible way that a skin can be tested, and only then is it submitted. The same goes for cursors, icons, and any matching accessory I make.

I can handle criticism, but only if it is constructive, and accurate based on the downloading of the skin itself.


Comments (Page 12)
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on Nov 06, 2009

This whole diatribe is nonsense!

If u can't take ''negative'' opinions and comments into consideration then maybe this isn't for you, expecially when it's about master skins.

When you use the word ''destructive'' it becomes clear, obviusly you cant take negative comments about your skin/s, but you do realize that these kind of comments can help you improve your skins in the future?

But the thing I dont understand is how did u became master so fast?

on Nov 06, 2009

You truly know when you have 'arrived' when....

Your work/s have been ripped...


Any comment, no matter what or where, polarizes the community...



TSF....the 'post' in PPS is as in 'post mortem', not 'post' as in US Mail... Spell checker

on Nov 06, 2009

If anyone ever needs a dose of humble pie...try posting a few screenies over in the windowblinds section of Neowin.

Those guys hate everything...great fun!

on Nov 06, 2009

If anyone ever needs a dose of humble pie...try posting a few screenies over in the windowblinds section of Neowin.

Those guys hate everything...great fun!

One of mine turned up there once.

Yes, it was fun....particularly as the Blind was specifically designed for one particular Litestep theme [also mine] and thus had exactly zero relevance/suitability for 'Explorer'.

Those buggers didn't have a clue what Litestep was/is and I wasn't about to enlighten them.

Ah, 'experts'

has-been drips under pressure...

on Nov 06, 2009

I would like to take this opportunity to say one other thing that has been on my mind as of late.

Maybe Stardock should add some sort of "branding" feature in Skinstudio, so when Master Themes are posted, you can have branded theme that users can test out. This way we can test the theme out and come to a conclusion if it is worth our money and/or give feedback to the author on why we decided not to purchase it, without looking like unappreciative assholes.

It could be ridiculously branded with heavy watermarks...something. I just feel that if you buy a theme, you sometimes don't know exactly what you're getting into. Even some of my personal favorite themes just didn't work out in daily use once I played with them fully.

There is no perfect theme.

on Nov 06, 2009

I would like to take this opportunity to say one other thing that has been on my mind as of late.

Maybe Stardock should add some sort of "branding" feature in Skinstudio, so when Master Themes are posted, you can have branded theme that users can test out. This way we can test the theme out and come to a conclusion if it is worth our money and/or give feedback to the author on why we decided not to purchase it, without looking like unappreciative assholes.

It could be ridiculously branded with heavy watermarks...something. I just feel that if you buy a theme, you sometimes don't know exactly what you're getting into. Even some of my personal favorite themes just didn't work out in daily use once I played with them fully.

There is no perfect theme.

Meshugga....See response #5 page 1 second paragraph first sentence.

on Nov 06, 2009

I've been a Member on here for many years, but I tend not to post anything, unless I have something to say,
which is why I have relatively few posts. But this thread really takes the biscuit.
I may have been the first to actually see this thread when it was started,
as I called it up only a few minutes after it had been posted, and there were not yet any replies.

My very first impression?
Now don't take this personally Vampothika, I don't know you, and am not attacking you,
but my first impression was "what a crybaby post".

Here's my "one person's opinion":

Messiah appears to only spring in and make a comment when Vampothika makes a post in this thread,
as do a couple of other people, including someone with a Stardock tag under their nick.

To them and all the other complainers I say, if you don't like her skin, or the way she does business,
DON'T download whatever it was you didn't like, PM her directly or PM a Mod about it,
take a chill pill, quit yappin' and move the hell along.


at the same time, Vampothika, again, I think your original post in this thread was rather sad.
As several people have pointed out, you need to grow a thicker skin.
In that aspect, you need to be a little like Messiah, and not care what anyone says about you.
Do what you do, if people want to post what are in your opinion, distasteful remarks, let 'em.
In one ear, out the other, or in the case of an Internet Forum, in one eye, out the other.

And yes, I DO realize the sheer amount of work that must go into the creation of Blinds,
I don't consider myself to have the talent to do Blinds,
but I DO design Keyboard Overlays for the Users in the Forum I Admin.
Simple as they are, when one is requested, I know I am committing myself to at least 2 hours work,
until I get everything to the point where I am satisfied with the result.
To date, 167 different Overlays, and not a complaint yet.

Please understand, I am not taking sides with this post, just posting my opinion on this thread.


Opinion 2:

So to sum up, if filmmakers can recover from making batman with george clooney, to making batman with christian bale?

Christian Bale screwed up the three movies I saw that he's in!
I don't mean he screws up his lines or that they were bad Movies or anything like that.
I mean he being in these three movies, made them unenjoyable for me:
Reign of Fire
That Batman thingy whichever one it was (Yes, I also think Michael Keaton was the best Batman)
and most recently, Terminator Salvation!


PS.  I'm also a bit like Messiah, in that I don't care if the above post doesn't suit somebody,
that's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it!

M-203 out

on Nov 06, 2009

Maybe Stardock should add some sort of "branding" feature in Skinstudio, so when Master Themes are posted, you can have branded theme that users can test out.

It would be an easily altered template.

As much as I hate the thought of dragging this thread out any further...I have some questions.

Regarding brushes and resources.....If she was promoted and her work took advantage of these resources, what is the issue with her continuing (or anyone) as long as the artist has all their ducks in a row, so to speak?

Regarding XP and OS support of any kind... Can I assume or at least ask if there will be a psoting that outlines what the requirements will be as far as what is expected from a Master?

It's no secret that I would like to be a Master some day. Having said that, it seems there are requirements, rules, expectaions, etc., that I and possibly others are unaware of. I would also include the recent 'misunderstanding' (for lack of a better word) brought up in another thread as to other things that are taken into consideration. This would be an artists 'overall' involvement in the 'skinning community'. I took this to mean 'other' sites as well. Brad's recent remarks that you look for someone who  'throws in their lot' with Stardock/Wincustomize kind of threw me. Not that I have a problem with it as much as I have been operating under a different...and/or assumed presumption...that I needed to spread myself out a bit. I enjoy all I do with the skinning community, but with a 'goal in mind' it would be nice to have some clarification on where our efforts should be concentrated. Skinning is very time consuming on it's own let alone spreading the focus of your efforts.

Finally, I would like to say, as much as I enjoy a good debate...or a great much as the next Irish-Philadelphian, this was not it. This was ugly. IMO, there was some outright bullying and posturing. More interesting to me than any comments made were the ones not made and the folks who kept to themselves. Kinda wish I had.



on Nov 06, 2009

Finally, I would like to say, as much as I enjoy a good debate...or a great much as the next Irish-Philadelphian, this was not it. This was ugly. IMO, there was some outright bullying and posturing. More interesting to me than any comments made were the ones not made and the folks who kept to themselves. Kinda wish I had.

That 'effin' skinhit, ha?  Sheesh...who'd have thought all this from one person?

on Nov 06, 2009


Besides, I'm busy trying to destroy Canada so I have no time for the little people.

As a Canadian, I have to take this threat seriously. What are your plans?

on Nov 06, 2009

What are your plans?

DOn't tell him about the lithium laced jelly donuts...I mean...doh!

on Nov 06, 2009

I would also include the recent 'misunderstanding' (for lack of a better word) brought up in another thread as to other things that are taken into consideration. This would be an artists 'overall' involvement in the 'skinning community'. I took this to mean 'other' sites as well. Brad's recent remarks that you look for someone who 'throws in their lot' with Stardock/Wincustomize kind of threw me. Not that I have a problem with it as much as I have been operating under a different...and/or assumed presumption...that I needed to spread myself out a bit.

Not trying to put words in anyones mouth or saying that I agree or disagree with the logic but I think that was more about promotion of/alignment with products that compete with Stardock than a matter of being involved with other skinning sites.


On a much more important note.... Look what you people have gone and done... I am so disappointed... between this thread and the Softpedia crap you all have made Po turn serious in to many posts... now reading his posts is like buying tickets to see Jeff Dunham and his dummys and then having him come out on stage and announce that he is going to spend the evening reading Shakespeare .... sheeeeeshhhhh   


(edit: okay his above post wasn't there when I last refreshed the page )

on Nov 06, 2009

As a Canadian, I have to take this threat seriously. What are your plans?


on Nov 06, 2009

nice Jafo

on Nov 06, 2009



To me you are a wonderful artist, always making very original and great skins, what, in my opinion, makes you defenetly a MASTER.


Keep up the great work

Ditto !  I completely agree...


You are a friend and have risen to a better place. Keep on skinning and keep it fun.

Oh and Thank you Treetog. Really nice to see everyones ideas on this subject.

I must say though - mistakes are easy to make and hard to correct. The best way to correct a mistake is to do it privately. Then put it in public where it can be seen as what it really is. A simple mistake - not something people take into light as conspiracy to do wrong and try to just ignore the facts. This why doing things privately with any artist is always best. Things are seen wrong and it goes on to be made into something it is not at all. Plus it makes for helping one another better and not being so open about what you may just think you know. Which can be a mistake itself...

Repeat - you have something you see wrong with someones work as being not right in your eyes. Bring it to the attention of an admin. Not those of the public. It is ok to say things about what you see to others in public; but what gain has it if it is for what could of been done in private with a better out come. Don't just figure the self; but that of the whole and find better things for yourself and all those you may think or see as concerned with such a thing. It will always work better and if there is wrong. It is always corrected and seen properly. Placing things to the public brings more wrong than anything that could be good.

My opinion - thank you...



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