Jekyll 'n Hyde inside my mind, who shall I be, I cant decide......
Published on November 5, 2009 By Vampothika In Community

I would like to post my distaste to recent comments on my master skin Saboteur.  Calling my work "not master skin quality" is below the belt. Especially when it is a drive by comment and the skin has not even been downloaded. 

I think if you are going to comment on any skin, it should be at least downloaded and tested before inacurate comments and assumptions are made.

 I personally believe that if you have nothing constructive to say about a skin, then please say nothing at all.

I spend many weeks and hours on every skin I do.  I pour passion, talent, and knowledge into them. They are tested in every possible way that a skin can be tested, and only then is it submitted. The same goes for cursors, icons, and any matching accessory I make.

I can handle criticism, but only if it is constructive, and accurate based on the downloading of the skin itself.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 05, 2009

I have to agree, but that's hard to do with master skins...  master skins will be open to more critique than other skins because you cannot review before you buy. 


the screenshot really needs to sell the product...

on Nov 05, 2009


There is [as you know] in Australia a phrase called the 'tall poppy syndrome'.

The taller you get...the more you notice it.

I just installed Vista to a VM shall try your Saboteur out properly....

Don't sweat the comments...they will typically come from the clueless, sad and disenfranchised.

If you like it...and it's accepted as a Master skin by Stardock/Wincustomize than that's all that really matters...

on Nov 05, 2009

I have to agree, but that's hard to do with master skins... master skins will be open to more critique than other skins because you cannot review before you buy.

And that is the whole point here! Unless the skin is purchased/downloaded, fair appraisal/critique can not be applied, and therefore should be refrained from, particularly when the comments are destructive regarding something which has not downloaded or tested.

the screenshot really needs to sell the product...

Despite the best efforts of the artist, a screenshot is two dimensional and can never do justice to the skin itself, which is why the skin must be downloaded and used before one can comment with any authority... to otherwise comment is, to me, unqualified and an excuse to bump one's gums for no apparent reason.

on Nov 05, 2009

THis may or may not help...and may be over the top in comparisons, but after all you are a Master, so I think it fits.

You have style uniquely your own.

So did Van Gogh.

The difference is that he sold only one painting in his lifetime, (and he did more than 2000 sketches and paintings) and you will sell many. (Maybe if Van Gogh had access to the internet....? hmmm)


on Nov 05, 2009

I can't see what folks were being so picky about. I think that Vampothika has her unique art and style. Not every offering will satisfy nor interest every customer.

Perhaps a "shareware" option which times out after a given period would help people decide. I'm not a skinner simply because I don't have that unique combination of graphics skills, color sense and patience along with knowledge of the software and skill in using it.

I do know, however that my eye has been trained to observe and in Kitty I observe a Master at work. Period. starkers is absolutely correct as he usually is and you should listen to Po' and Jafo, Vamps. Good Aussie expression, that about the poppy. Thanks Paul, I'll remember it.

However, WC has promoted Vampothika to the rank of "Master". That is beyond contestation. She knows how to skin and her technique and ability are beyond questioning. Someone might choose to do something differently, but her art is her choice. "Saboteur" has been judged a Masterskin, therefore the matter is over and done.

Perhaps people should remember The Golden Rule, and who authored it.


on Nov 05, 2009

Your Work is some of the BEST here .... and all that matter knows it ... you go girl ! 

on Nov 05, 2009

negative comments are just not helpful, constructive critiscism is one thing bitching is another - i am in awe of all of vampothicas work - keep it up  

on Nov 05, 2009

I have not bought this skin.  That said, here's my opinion:

I have always been a firm believer in making good screenshots that show as much as possible of what you are trying to "sell".  In the case of free skins, people can download, check it out and then delete it if they don't like it.  But for a Master skin, they don't have that option.  We have to assume that this is a great skin and we have to buy it based on the SS.  So, that SS should show as much of the skin as possible.  I'm not going to blindly pay for a skin that I only get to see a very small portion of.  Period.


Someone else said it but I'll repeat it.  This is a Master skin and yet it's only for Vista.  Why is that?  You have skinned for XP.  You have skinned for Vista.  You have skins in your library that you made for XP and Vista.  So why is this one only for Vista?  The last two Master skins you made were only for Vista.  People want value for their money.  You have clearly demonstrated that you can skin both OS's so why don't you?


I know that you have been working toward Master status for awhile.  You've made it.  Don't abuse the prestige of the title by selling not only yourself short, but the people that like your work too.


Being a Master in title does not a Master skin make...

on Nov 05, 2009

Just to reflect a lill bit on what messiah1 wrote....

If you skin to suit others needs - then you've sold out...
If you skin to please others - then you've sold out...

(Goes for all artists, not just Masters)

Skin for yourself. Enjoy what you do/make - and screw what everyone else thinks of your work.

Peace out.

on Nov 05, 2009

btw, that's an interesting shape in "your" wallpaper that you are selling.  Did you get permission from the creator to use it and make money off of it?  Isn't selling somone elses work without credit or permission a violation of Master status, not to mention just bad form...



Here's the exact shape from the vector pack which is linked below.

on Nov 05, 2009

Messiah1, any posible violations MUST be delt with in PRIVATE with an ADMIN, NOT in PUBLIC!

Thought you knew that by now.....

on Nov 05, 2009

Meh, the "new thing" seems to be coordinated comments from skin cliques.  Not sure what is based on jealously or the backroom comments being rolled around.

I would take them with a grain of salt.  I approved the skin, and I think it's fantastically done.



on Nov 05, 2009

Everyone has an opinion and this is my take. Jafo said it best “it's accepted as a Master skin by Stardock/Wincustomize than that's all that really matters.”

 With the many talented skinners and designs it only natural that everyone isn't going to like every skin made. I have viewed skins that looked good from screen shots but I didn't like what they looked like on my computer. Did it the other way around with skins that looked so, so, and liked them.

 A skinner works hard to make the skin, they liked it, it was accepted, and that is what matters. I did like the idea of a time trial even if it was as little as 2 or 3 days and if you like it you buy it, if not it stops working and you delete it. Don't know if it's even possible to do this but still a great thought. The skinner won't know who actually decided to keep or delete it, but will know how many times it was actually purchased. I certain this is done with the many free skins available.

 Can you imagine if every skin received this kind of criticism, in a few months many skinners would just give up. So I say if it's a post about a new skin and the skinner is asking what can be improved before it's submitted than give the suggestions. If it's uploaded without posting for suggestions, than that isn't the time to say how much you don't like it or if you think it's bad. Just pass it by and look for another.  

on Nov 05, 2009

Messiah1, any posible violations MUST be delt with in PRIVATE with an ADMIN, NOT in PUBLIC!

Thought you knew that by now.....


Right, right, I should have known better. 

on Nov 05, 2009

"your" wallpaper that you are selling

Seems to me that she's selling a Windowblinds skin and giving a wallpaper away.


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